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Friday, January 4, 2008

What Every Blogger Needs To Know About Their Target Audience

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What Every Blogger Needs To Know About Their Target Audience
It doesn't matter what kind of web site you have you mustunderstand your target audience and know what it is thatthey want. Please notice that I used the word want and notthe word need. There is a world of difference between wantsand needs. For example you might need a means of gettingfrom A to B and almost any vehicle would fulfil that need;but what you really want is a top of the range BMW!I write my blog with just one person in mind. In my mindseye I have come to know that person intimately, I understandhis goals, his dreams and his aspirations and I know thethings that really interests him. He is my ideal reader, hesoaks up every word and he clicks every link I include ineach blog post.Clearly, you can't please all the people all of the time.So, the best strategy is to focus on pleasing the people youcan influence. You don't want passive readers, you wantpeople who will take action. Readers who will click a linkbecause you have recommended a new eBook or a new softwareproduct. Readers who will click the "Buy Now" button andearn you an affiliate commission.So, what do you need to know about your target audience?You will get two types of people coming to your site...People with whom you have built up a relationship and wholike to read your blog. People who have come to your sitefor the very first time. You have two jobs to do. You haveto keep the first type of people coming back and you have tograb the second type of people's attention, persuade them tostay long enough to engage their interest and to convertthem to loyal readers.Just think - when you are online what is it that you want toachieve? The majority of people online are looking forsomething. It's unlikely that they are just surfing in arandom fashion, although some people will do that. Whenonline people are usually looking for specific informationor seeking the solution to a problem.Your job as a blogger is to make that information, and thosesolutions, available so that they can be found. In otherwords your content must closely match the wants of yourtarget audience.Make sure that your blog has a well defined theme and try tostick to making posts that stay on topic. Keep up to datawith the news within the theme of your blog and provide yourreaders with your opinions on relevant and interestingitems. Encourage feedback and always respond to questionsfrom your readers.Use a blog script or service that allows the easy additionof RSS feeds so that your blog site has fresh new content assoon as it is available.Above all remember that each and every visitor to your siteis a real person with feelings and emotions and be preparedto reveal something yourself in your posts. Your readers aremuch more likely to trust you if you allow them to get toknow you.

